Hi guys! i wanted to upload a small, quick thing for everyone since I Feel Guilty When I’m Not Doing Stuff and i hate production lulls. Black - Castanic - Teniskin / Chester Dark - Gemma - Tattoo - mamy-rocker-sims - Tainted - Chester skinĨ5 hair color presets for your enjoyment! What’s my criteria for a good black skin?: None, literally noneĪll skins Skin Innocent Bones& Cider and Primer Noir redux *The Holy Grail, Everyone else can go - Peach Candy - Sprinkles / Sugar and - nnnilou If Yall know of some good Black Skins, Let me know and ill add it to the list
Just a masterlist of some skins with a good dark tone ramp so that way your black sims aren’t light skin clones of each other.